We truly believe we make some of the greatest products in the world, and we want to make sure we back that up with a risk-free ironclad 30 days money back guarantee.
We will process your refund upon confirmation that the product has been sent back to us. Please remember to include original packing and make sure your package has sufficient postage/is sent via a trackable shipper.
Your return may take up to 14 business days to be processed. The refund will be issued to the original payment method used to place your order. Please note, refunds may take up to 10 business days to appear in your bank account, depending on your payment method.
They may be returned for replacement within 90 days of purchase if they become unserviceable from suggested wear.
We are only able to accept returns or refunds on items purchased directly from www.proband.com. If you purchased a product from another party, please contact them directly.
This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied.